

If you’re interested in why one business can have a brand that people fall in love with, while another just doesn’t hit the mark, you should look into a career in marketing.

Marketing offers many exciting career opportunities in a rapidly changing environment.

Just consider for a moment how much marketing has changed in the last few years with the advent of the internet and social media. While TV, radio and newspaper advertising used to offer the best ways to reach target audiences, the marketing landscape has changed by the introduction of much more personalized digital marketing, which can be fine-tuned and targeted at exactly the right audience at the right time.

To find out more about studying Marketing, call IIE MSA on 011 950 4009 or email now.

What is marketing?

At it’s core, marketing involves promoting and selling goods or services. But there’s much more to it than that. Marketers identify consumer demand, they conduct research, analyze distribution channels, get involved in product design and set pricing.

A marketing strategy generally involves getting the marketing mix right: how can you put the right product in the right place, at the right time, with the right price. The 4 P’s of marketing (product, price, place and promotion) help experts to create and execute successful marketing strategies.

While most people associate marketing solely with the promotion of products, there are many other facets to marketing. From identifying key target markets, to negotiating with retailers to stock the product, to setting the correct pricing, and refining the product itself to make it more saleable, a lot goes into the marketing function and marketing strategy of a business.

Where to study marketing in South Africa?

IIE MSA is a brand of The Independent Institute of Education, a leader in the higher education sphere, offering an array of IIE undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including the IIE Bachelor of Commerce with a study area in Marketing, offered at IIE MSA.

Marketing career opportunities

There are many exciting and interesting career paths within the marketing sphere, and as the world of media and advertising changes at a rapid pace, new career opportunities emerge.

The IIE Bachelor of Commerce degree (BCom degree) in Marketing offered at IIE MSA could open doors to a host of different opportunities. You could choose to work for the marketing department of a major company, or specialize by working at an advertising agency, digital marketing agency, public relations firm, event company or media company.

If you’re looking to study marketing in South Africa, consider IIE MSA’s highly-recognized degrees, certificates and diplomas.
Apply now or contact us today on 011 950 4009 or
