

Why study Sociology?

Humans live in organised settings called societies, and for this reason, humans are social beings. While they are first and foremost biological organisms, they are shaped substantially by the society in which they are born and nurtured. Hence, sociologists have as their fundamental assumption in their study that human behaviours are socially and culturally influenced rather than robotically programmed by their biological make-up. Thus, human actions, ranging from crime or political aspirations, to the desire for the primitive accumulation of wealth at the expense of the society, are all influenced significantly by the society in which the individuals live and the social processes that shape their values. To have a deeper understanding of human society, therefore, sociologists attempt to study how social institutions interact and shape social behaviour.

In the IIE Bachelor of Social Science degree offered at IIE MSA, you can start the exciting journey of learning about your society and how you are shaped. It provides a platform for you to develop a quality of mind towards understanding not only how the society shapes humans but also how human actions collectively define the nature and character of their society. You will learn, from various sociological perspectives, how to analyse social problems in the society and how best policymakers may design appropriate interventions for the growth and development of the society.

To study Sociology you can enrol for the IIE Bachelor of Social Science degree with a study area in Psychology and Sociology, offered at IIE MSA.

Following completion of your three-year Bachelor’s degree, you can articulate into the IIE MSA Bachelor of Social Science Honours, and subsequently, a research IIE Master of Philosophy in Arts. Both these IIE degrees are offered at IIE MSA.

What are My Sociology Career Outcomes?

Completing your IIE Bachelor of Social Science at IIE MSA, with a study area in Psychology and Sociology studies, will help you build a successful career in the following career opportunities::

  • Government parastatals and establishments
  • Human Resources departments in corporate organisations
  • Embassies and High Commission offices
  • Non-Governmental Organisations
  • International bodies such as the United Nations, World Bank, and Transparency International.

A postgraduate degree will further equip you to take up teaching and research positions in universities and other institutions of higher learning as well as research institutes such as the Human Science Research Council, among others.
