

Why Study Marketing?

Marketing is at the heart of any organisation. No single organisation, big or small, can survive without the successful marketing of its products or services. Marketing is not only necessary for organisations but it is also performed by governments, educational institutions and non-profit organisations. Marketing therefore provides a high number and variety of careers or job opportunities.

Study area in marketing will provide you with valuable insight and background into the principal activities of marketing for use in any kind of organisation and within all parts of an organisation. By focusing on a particular area of marketing you will equip yourself with the skills and knowledge that will allow you to find your niche within the broadest possible spectrum of Marketing roles.

The IIE Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), with a study area in Marketing offered at IIE MSA gives you highly-valued, globally-relevant skills, increasing your local and international opportunities. This marketing degree allows for students to successfully complete a Marketing Internship unit in their third year of study, providing access to the South African job market.

You can complete the IIE Bachelor of Commerce degree then advance to the IIE Bachelor of Business Science (Honours) Degree specialising in Marketing, if you meet the requirements. We provide further opportunities such as the IIE Masters in International Business (MIB), the IIE Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and IIE Postgraduate Diplomas in Business Leadership and Corporate Governance. All these IIE degrees are offered at IIE MSA.

Marketing Affiliations or Associations

After successfully completing their Marketing degree, students can become members of Marketing Associations including:

  • The Marketing Association of South Africa (MASA)
  • The Mobile Marketing Association of South Africa (MMASA)

What are My Career Outcomes?

Completing your Marketing journey with IIE MSA will help you to build a successful career in your desired area. Your Marketing career will typically start with a Marketing Internship or Marketing Graduate programme, already offered to IIE MSA students as part of the Marketing module electives in their final year of study. After gaining such experience, there are many other Marketing opportunities, including:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Brand Manager / Product Manager
  • Digital Marketing Campaign Manager / Social Media Manager
  • Market Researcher / Market Analyst
  • Advertising Manager / Sales Director / Account Executive / Media Director
  • Consultant

