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Why Study Geography and Environmental Science?

There are several reasons why one should study Geography and Environmental Science (GES). It is an important field for all humankind for the simple reason that humanity will forever rely on the environment and its resources for survival. We depend on it for food, economic and social development, health, water and other natural resources.

Geography and Environmental Science helps us to understand the planet we call home. It is concerned with both the physical and human aspects of our environment. It involves the study of natural environments, societies, economies, human-environment relations and environmental management.

The physical aspect of this study area emphasises the systematic study of environmental processes, climate change, landforms and geologic developments. The human aspect focuses on development, cities and communities, economic processes, human behaviour and interaction with the environment and cultural studies. You will gain an analytical and critical perception of the current state of the environment as well as global challenges such as climate change and sustainable development concepts, using state-of-the-art research methods and techniques such as geographic information systems

This environmental study area allows you to choose from a range of units on offer, enabling you to shape your degree to suit your particular areas of interest. Some of the units include field trips to provide opportunities for experiential learning.

To study GES you can enrol for the IIE Bachelor of Social Science degree with a study area in GES, offered at IIE MSA.

Following completion of your three-year Bachelor’s degree, you can articulate into the IIE Bachelor of Social Science Honours degree with a specialisation in GES. An IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Water Management is also offered at IIE MSA. Subsequent to completing these, you can articulate into a IIE Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management, or a research IIE Master of Philosophy (specialisation in GES). All these IIE degrees are offered at IIE MSA.

What are My Geography and Environmental Science Career Outcomes?

The multidisciplinary nature of Geography and Environmental Science and the transferable skills students develop, offers graduates a range of opportunities. Graduates for example go on to build careers as:

  • Researchers
  • Academics
  • Policy Advisors (environmental or social)
  • Policy Analysts (environmental or social)
  • Environmental Managers
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Specialists
  • Geoinformatic Specialists
  • Consultants in different areas of specialty
  • Managers of organizations
  • Environmental Education Officers
  • Social or Environmental Advocates
  • Humanitarians

You can choose to specialise even further, in areas including:

  • Environmental journalism
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Environmental law
  • Agriculture and food security
  • Geographic information systems
  • Water management
  • Climate change vulnerability and adaptation
  • Eco-tourism
  • Eco-systems management
  • Environmental policy
  • Air quality
  • Conservation
  • Sustainable development
  • Waste Management
  • Environmental health
  • Town and Regional planning
  • Environmental science education
  • Environmental economics
  • Environmental communication
  • Risk disaster management